Lathering the skin with D-panthenol (or dexpanthenol) may lead to local overconsumption of NAD+.

Nutrient Metabolism: Structures, Functions, and Genes (978-0-12-387784-0)

"CoA synthesis uses pantothenate, cysteine, one adenylate, three phosphates, and the energy of six high-energy phosphates from ATP (Figure 10.43). Significant amounts of pantothenate are generated from pantetheine through the action of pantetheine hydrolase (EC3.5.1.-), which is expressed in many tissues. Panthenol and panthenal may also be converted to a limited extent into pantothenate by alcohol dehydrogenase (EC1.1.1.1) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC1.2.1.3)."

Panthenol -(ADH)→ Panthenal -(ALDH)→ Pantothenic acid

Enzymatic Conversion of Pantothenylalcohol to Pantothenic Acid
